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Private guitar lessons

✔ Lessons from a qualified guitar teacher

✔ 150+ guitar teachers

✔ Flexible appointment booking & individual curriculum

✔ Learn guitar online

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An overview of our guitar teachers

Mann lächelt und hält eine Gitarre


Professional singer songwriter. Arrangement and composition. Specializes in jazz guitar, pop and rock, songwriting...

Frau lächelt und hält eine Gitarre


Guitar lessons and songwriting with acoustic guitar and fingerstyle. Learn song accompaniment and read guitar notes and tablatures too...

Frau spielt Gitarre


Acoustic and electric guitar lessons. Learn blues, rock and country guitar...

Man sitzt mit einer Gitarre in der Natur


Electric guitar lessons and electric bass lessons. Rock n roll, rock and metal guitar. Over 15 years of stage experience!

SIRIUS reviews

Many music students all over the world already trust SIRIUS.

“I've always played the same guitar chords and got much further into songwriting thanks to guitar lessons with SIRIUS”

Frau mit Katze lächelt


guitar student

“Lisa always had to walk alone to her guitar teacher. Online guitar lessons are much more convenient.. ”

Frau lächelt


Mother of a guitar student

“I finally really learned to play metal guitar with Robert. Power chords are just nice:)”

Mann trägt Basecap


guitar student

“Learning guitar online quickly became boring without a teacher. Guitar lessons are super fun with Sirius.. ”

Frau lächelt


Singing student

“I first had guitar lessons and have now started electric guitar lessons. It's great that you can easily switch... ”

Lachender Mann


Singing student

Find your perfect music teacher

Kind spielt Gitarre

We'll find your perfect guitar teacher

We'll find the perfect guitar teacher for your needs and you can easily learn guitar online - private guitar lessons with no waiting time.

Frau lacht und hält eine Gitarre in der Hand

Plan your guitar lessons flexibly

After the free trial lesson, discuss your needs and availability with your guitar teacher and start learning the guitar right away.

Gain new experiences

Book your guitar lessons flexibly online. In the SIRIUS Workspace you have unrestricted access to guitar sheet music outside of guitar lessons and can learn guitar yourself with the help of our tools for guitar lessons.

Kind spielt GitarreFrau lacht und hält eine Gitarre in der HandÄltere Frau lacht und hält Gitarre in der Hand

Frequently asked questions & answers about online guitar lessons

How does learning guitar work online at SIRIUS?

We offer you personal guitar lessons and our guitar teachers accompany you live step by step as you learn to play the guitar. For online guitar lessons, our guitar teachers only use our self-developed online music lesson software for the best possible sound.

What is special about guitar lessons with Sirius?

Thanks to interactive functions of our virtual music room and tools specially developed for online guitar lessons, guitar lessons remain exciting and you can access online guitar sheet music for free and learn guitar, even if you are not at home or in guitar lessons.

How many teachers are available online for guitar lessons?

There are currently over 150 guitar lessons available at SIRIUS, which are ready to help you learn the guitar.

How much do guitar lessons online cost?

The average price for guitar lessons is 24€. The costs of guitar lessons depend on the booked lesson package, i.e. on the duration and frequency of the lesson.

What are the benefits of taking guitar lessons online?

When you learn guitar online, you eliminate the time and costs of traditional guitar lessons. Booking guitar lessons at short notice or switching to a new guitar teacher is no problem thanks to the online booking tool. It is also easy to rebook for piano lessons or, for example, singing lessons.

Start guitar lessons now for free

Learning guitar has never been easier!Register yourself and we will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange your guitar lesson trial lesson.