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Be part of the SIRIUS teacher community

Stay flexible and earn money for every lesson from when & where you want — we'll organise the rest. Join our community of music teachers now.

Gitarrenlehrerin unterrichtet online

Enjoy the many benefits of being a SIRIUS music teacher

With SIRIUS, your job as a music teacher will be a unique and exciting experience.

Frau schaut auf Ihr Handy

Teach anytime
and from anywhere

If you're looking for job offers for music teachers and are wondering how can I give music lessons online, you've come to the right place! Take advantage of the flexibility of online music lessons and teach when and where you want. All you need is free capacity, a good internet connection, a quiet environment and the joy of teaching music!

Earn with every lesson

Benefit from a regular music teacher salary and enjoy the many benefits of being a music teacher. Bookings and payments are made via our platform and you save yourself the stress that would otherwise arise as a self-employed, freelance music teacher.

Frau lächelt und schaut in den Laptop

We find your students

Finding music students? No problem, we'll find the right students for you and take care of the paperwork so that you can fully concentrate on what you do best — music lessons!

Benefits of being a SIRIUS teacher

Anyone aged 18 and over can apply as a music teacher.

Icon Weltkugel
Work from anywhere
Kalendar Icon

Practical & time-saving tools

Icon für Bezahlung

Secure income

Icon Support Person

Personalized support

SIRIUS Ratings

Many music students all over the world already trust SIRIUS.

“Meine Tochter konnte direkt am nächsten Tag mit dem Gesangsunterricht starten, der Unterricht mit Leonie ist super!”


Mutter einer Gesangschülerin

„David hat mir Musiktheorie sehr anschaulich erklärt. Ich bin jetzt schon 4 Monate dabei und liebe es…“



“Ich habe mich immer vor Musiknoten und Musiknoten gedrückt. Jetzt macht es mir beim Klavier lernen richtig Spaß…”



“Ich wollte eigentlich nur eine paar Lagerfeuerlieder auf Gitarre lernen, aber bin jetzt schon über ein halbes Jahr dabei. Ganz klare Empfehlung!”



“Julianna ist fantastisch! Das professionelle Stimmtraining hat meine Bühnenpräsenz total verändert…”

