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Our music teachers at SIRIUS

SIRIUS will find the right music teacher for you who suits you exactly.

Musiklehrer sitzt vor dem PC und unterricht

Music lessons with teachers who inspire

Flexible, private music lessons that are fun

Frau unterrichtet Gitarre

Music teachers at the highest level

To ensure our students achieve the best they can in their music lessons, we ensure our music teachers meet the highest standards.

All SIRIUS music teachers go through our demanding admissions process. In this way, we guarantee that our music teachers have excellent professional competence and didactic skills to optimally support their music students in learning to play the instrument.

Passion & expertise

Our music teachers not only bring expertise to online music lessons, but also a passion for music, which drives them to inspire and inspire their students when learning to play an instrument.

This passion and their social skills help them to motivate pupils to realise their full potential in music lessons. We attach great importance to ensuring that our music teachers are a good character fit for us and our students.

Frau sitzt am Klavier und lächelt

How do music lessons work online?

As professional music teachers, we know how important it is for online music lessons to be able to capture even the finest nuances and dynamic changes. For this purpose, we have developed our virtual music room especially for online music lessons, which you can use free of charge when learning an instrument with SIRIUS.

You always have access to music scores in the student area and have your teaching material ready at any time. The interactive features of our virtual music room keep music lessons exciting and you can learn your instrument even when you're not at home.

100% secure Online learning

We provide a safe learning environment in which you can successfully learn your instrument or learn to sing.

Secure payment process

Easy operation

Certified music teachers

Secure online platform

SIRIUS Ratings

Many music students all over the world already trust SIRIUS.

“Meine Tochter konnte direkt am nächsten Tag mit dem Gesangsunterricht starten, der Unterricht mit Leonie ist super!”


Mutter einer Gesangschülerin

„David hat mir Musiktheorie sehr anschaulich erklärt. Ich bin jetzt schon 4 Monate dabei und liebe es…“



“Ich habe mich immer vor Musiknoten und Musiknoten gedrückt. Jetzt macht es mir beim Klavier lernen richtig Spaß…”



“Ich wollte eigentlich nur eine paar Lagerfeuerlieder auf Gitarre lernen, aber bin jetzt schon über ein halbes Jahr dabei. Ganz klare Empfehlung!”



“Julianna ist fantastisch! Das professionelle Stimmtraining hat meine Bühnenpräsenz total verändert…”



Do you want to become a music teacher?

Find out more about how our admission process works, what qualifications you need and how much money you can earn.